The store will be closed from July 16 to September 1 for annual holidays. Thank you for your understanding. We wish you a good summer.

2 Ungarische Tänze 5 & 6 (Bläser Ensemble , N° 10)... Expand

2 Ungarische Tänze 5 & 6 (Bläser Ensemble , N° 10)...

Universal Edition


Instrument : Saxophones, Bb Clarinet
Editor Reference : UE19910


2 Ungarische T?nze 5 & 6 (Bl?ser Ensemble , N? 10) 1: C/Bb, 2:C/Bb, 3:Bb/Eb, 4:C/Bb/Bb) = Hungarian Dances = Danses hongroises pour 4 clar., etc. PP

22,70 €

tax incl.

InstrumentSaxophones, Bb Clarinet
Type of formationClarinet - Quartets
Formation4 Clarinets, Various Quartets, Wind Quatuors

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